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Сейчас я могу признаться, нисколько не стесняясь, что, пройдя курс лечения от наркомании, я через некоторое время начала вновь принимать наркотики. Правда, надо уточнить, что первый курс лечения я не закончила: я не была готова к тому, чтобы кто-то «лез мне в душу», и не хотела, чтобы посторонние люди вмешивались в мою жизнь. Мне было очень сложно примириться с тем, что для того, чтобы избавиться от проблемы, надо в первую очередь признать ее существование, потому я и бросила лечение через 2 месяца. Похоже, всем было ясно, что я опять начну принижать наркотики, кроме меня. Не успела я вернуться домой, как вокруг меня завертелась прежняя «карусель» – даже родные утратили остатки доверия ко мне. Я снова начала принимать кокаин и крала деньги из дома, чтобы было на что покупать его. Мои родители решили проявить твердость характера и пригрозили выгнать меня из дома, если я не завяжу с наркотиками. 
Тогда мне стало ясно, что продолжать так жить нельзя, и мне надо менять мою жизнь. Я купила билет на самолет и прилетела в центр; здесь меня встретили с распростертыми объятиями, и, хотя обращались со мной на этот раз жестче, лечение подействовало. Я прошла курс лечения до конца и с тех пор к наркотикам даже не прикасаюсь.

Я живу счастливой и полной жизнью и знаю, что это стало возможно благодаря персоналу центра. Спасибо вам за то, что не подвели меня!


In this treatment centre I got back to life.

I was in the cocaine world for 25 years. At the age of 20, the curiosity to try new sensations led me to a sad story. My degree was left behind and I quickly started in the world of trafficking.

Making money was easy, and besides that I could also satisfy my addiction. Nobody in my family has dealt well with this situation. My parents forced me to do further treatments, but with no results.
After three failed treatments they gave up on me and I also ended up quitting. I took a life without direction, until I met again a teenage love and it was like an open eye.

I fought for this love, but knew that in order to have it, the drugs had to go out of my life. It was a great exchange, but this wonderful woman deserved it. I joined the centre and here I was reborn.

It was six long months in recovery, but I got my life back. Four years later and already married, there is not a single day in which I do not thank my wife for having appeared in my life. But I can not forget the constant and precious support that this treatment unit has given to me.

Thank you!


Approximately 12 years ago, my boss started to give me cocaine in order for me to better entertain the clients and to be able to close good deals. That regular habit of sniffing, with the permission of the boss, became an addiction. I earned a lot of money, I closed the best deals of the company, I spent all the money, I ruined my marriage, my family and my job. 

I blamed my boss during a long time, for my addiction to cocaine. 
I am rebuilding my life with the support of the centre, but it still gives me the creeps every time I hear: 

-“Cocaine is the queen of drugs”



Kate was still a child, but she already posed in front of the mirror and made parades in her room, like if she was in a runway. She dreamed being a model and it was what she became. However, sometimes life makes pranks on us and Kate fell in one of them. Until her 18 years she studied to be a doctor, but for initiative of a friend her life followed another course.

When she should go to University, she left the studies and dedicated herself to the fashion.

Deluded by this professional way, she wanted to be the best and, therefore, she looked for refuge in cocaine. The drug effects were helping her to exceed her insecurity. A failed relationship made her return to her home town, London, from where she had left with 10 years old. With an empty spirit, she only carried in her bag the will of winning. To start, she began to work as a barmaid, as while she made small works of model.

The competition was fierce and Kate was aware of that. The drug consumption increased, “it was easily accessible, and with cocaine doses I was able to work more hours”, reveals Kate without any kind of constraint.

She still tried an artistic career as a singer, and she even worked with the guitarist of the musician Jamiroquai. Nevertheless, the excessive consumption of cocaine, were blocking her “I only wrote dark, sober and sad songs, because it was how I was feeling”.

With another failed project, Kate saw herself suddenly with 28 years and without anything fulfilled, “ I was lost, I had not a safe job, nor house, not even a car or friends, and all of this were making me feel empty”, says the young woman.

Meanwhile she knew that her 16 years old brother was already experimenting joints. This situation hurled her return to Portugal. She lived in her aunt's house, where was also her brother. The parents did not made part of her life for a long time. Her mother was living in Canary Islands and the father had died. Not even in the past they had been good examples, since they were both alcohol addicts, and it was in this environment that Kate grew.

She registered herself again in her agency, Light Models, and got some works, but always sporadic things and without great recognition.

Kate felt that her cocaine addiction was destroying her life and also her dreams. She knew that admitting publicly her addiction could be a risk, but she took her chance. There were always rumours that drug moves in the world of fashion, but this is a taboo subject. But Kate had the courage and determination to ask for help, and initiated a treatment in Villa Ramadas.

Fighter, Kate embraced this help with humility and seven months later she is a new person. Today she knows that she does not need cocaine to do the work of model, in a distinguished way. More than ever she wants to win and if there were any doubts, they all disappeared in the first photo shoot that she did, in a completely sober way and free from her active addiction. 
Kate reborn and the world of fashion regained a new model, so be aware, because you will certainly hear a lot about her...


Until the age of 29 I only lived for the ecstasy tablet. Party after party, weekend after weekend, concert after concert, DJ after DJ. When I look back today I consider a waste the years that I spent after the “artificial happiness” and I was always offended when people were saying: 
- “Be careful, Manel, you are addicted to those tablets...” 

I was always defending myself by saying that the synthetic drug (MDMA) and other tablets did not give hangover nor caused addiction. I believed that taking tablets was a cult, but in that party, at a hill in Alentejo, I got scared. Later, people told me the madness’s that I did under the effect of the last MDMA tablets that I took.

When I woke up in hospital, where I remained for 5 days, I saw my parents and my little brother faces and I did not already remembered of him. My mother, with all her love, told me about the centre and said that she believed that there was a solution for my problem. I saw my father crying for the first time that day. 

I will never forget that first day of my new life.

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